September has already begun, and the new Monthly Theme has already been purchased by my supporter Henriki!
This means that the “ideas” section will be closed for this month.
So let’s enjoy the comic together and wait until next month to suggest our ideas!
Until then!
Have in mind that I’m not gonna draw all the popular characters of the top of the list, this function is just to let me know what the people want me to draw the most, I can still take less voted characters or characers that are not in the list.
Only characters related to the current Monthly Theme are allowed, any other character will be deleted.
Only one character per post is allowed, if you post more than one, the comment will be deleted.
You can leave up to 20 characters pet month. More will be considered spam.
You must provide Image, Name of the character and the franchise it comes from, nothing else, if you want to leave a comment please make it on a separated post.
Do not post a character that has already been suggested.
Only Official art is allowed, posts with fanart will be deleted.
Try to post images with a good resolution, with color and full body.
If you think that you can provide a better reference on an already suggested character, you can leave a reply on the comment with it.
Do not spam images, even if they are official art, just one or two good images are more than enough.
Troll posting is not allowed, don’t post images with weird characters.
The comment section will be cleaned each month.
Don’t try to cheat the system, if you create multiple accounts to vote, all off them will be banned, your votes deducted and you won’t be able to log-in in the page anymore
This Ban is final and you will not have the right to appeal -
Don’t suggest characters that were drawn on the month before.
How to post your own image?
If you want to participate just leave a comment with an attached image of the character you want to suggest.
It’s easy, just log-in with your Social media by clicking in the icons at the top right corner of the comment box or the ones in the side bar or the top corner of the website.
Now your name should appear instead of the Social-media icons and your avatar will be shown
Or just fill in the request data by clicking in the comment box
Now you can add the image by clicking on this little icon bellow the comment box.
This will open a window where you can select the image file that you want to show up in the comments section.
The image could take some time to load, but once is done, it will be shown in the bar bellow the comment box.
Remember to fill the comment section with the name of the character and the franchise where it comes from, nothing else.
only one character per comment!
remember that you can only post characters related to the current Monthly Theme
any other character will be deleted
And that’s all, now you can add your own character to the suggestion!
How to vote for your favourite characters?
You need to be logged in to participate.
Just click in the social media buttons at the top of the comment section or fill the data box with name and email to log-in
(if you want more info on how to log-in, check the “give ideas” above this section)
Now that you’re logged in, you can go to the comments section bellow this post, there you will find the characters suggested by other users.
Just give a like to the comments to show if you want the character to be made during the monthly theme
Popular characters will be shown at the top of the list, and less voted characters will be down
Don’t let your characters go in the deep of the page!
Section closed until next month!